About Us

FCT-IRS Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society (FISC)

FCT-IRS Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society (FISC) is an independent Organisation. It is a non-ethnic, non-gender and nonreligious based society. It is not a trade union body. FISC formation is for the sole intention of meeting the needs of its members and sharing profits and surplus with them. It is a non-interest institution. From a humble start, the society is to develop through prudent investment, insightful management and the support of members and other customers to become an extraordinary trading company in the FCT community and its environs. The society will thrive to meet the needs of its members and also seek new opportunities to increase and strengthen investments, create wealth for stakeholders and make life easier for its membership.
The highest decision-making organ for FISC is the General Meeting which is the assembly of members. This is followed by the Management Committee which is made up of a democratically elected body of management members.
To toil and enhance the lives of our members, customers, colleagues and the community in which we operate in a sustainable manner through the virtues of smart work, hard work, cooperation and brotherhood to give life, hope and meaning to FISC members through ethical trading and investment. Objectives
  • a) Inculcate good habits of savings in the cooperative members.
  • b) To create huge wealth for members through a complete non-interest financial service
  • c) Provide opportunities to people to organize services collectively by pooling their resources without depending upon the government or other MDAs........
  • a) Self-help - We believe in helping members to help themselves grow, achieve economic and social independence.
  • b) Self-responsibility - We take responsibility for and encourage our members to be responsible for their actions, as well.
  • c) Equality - All members are equal in FICS, irrespective of their monetary standings.
  • d) Equity - We conduct our businesses in a fair and unbiased way. e) Democracy - Our members fully involved in the way we run the business of the Society.
  • e) Solidarity - We share interests and common purposes with our members and other Cooperatives.
  • a) Openness
  • b) Honesty
  • c) Social Responsibility
  • d) Integrity
  • e) Decency
  • f) Fairness

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FCT-IRS Staff Multipurpose Cooperative Society (FISC) is an independent Organisation. It is a non-ethnic, non-gender and nonreligious based society. It is not a trade......Read more
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